Judges 21:2
So the people came to Bethel and sat there before God until evening, lifting up their voices and weeping bitterly.
Cross References
Judges 20:26
Then the Israelites, all the people, went up to Bethel, where they sat weeping before the LORD. That day they fasted until evening and presented burnt offerings and peace offerings to the LORD.

Judges 21:3
"Why, O LORD God of Israel," they cried out, "has this happened in Israel? Today in Israel one tribe is missing!"

1 Samuel 11:4
When the messengers came to Gibeah of Saul and relayed these words in the hearing of the people, they all wept aloud.

Treasury of Scripture
And the people came to the house of God, and stayed there till even before God, and lifted up their voices, and wept sore;

the house

Judges 21:12
And they found among the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead four hundred young virgins, that had known no man by lying with any male: and they brought them unto the camp to Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan.

Judges 20:18,23,26
And the children of Israel arose, and went up to the house of God, and asked counsel of God, and said, Which of us shall go up first to the battle against the children of Benjamin? And the LORD said, Judah shall go up first…

Joshua 18:1
And the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there. And the land was subdued before them.


Judges 2:4
And it came to pass, when the angel of the LORD spake these words unto all the children of Israel, that the people lifted up their voice, and wept.

Genesis 27:38
And Esau said unto his father, Hast thou but one blessing, my father? bless me, even me also, O my father. And Esau lifted up his voice, and wept.

1 Samuel 30:4
Then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept, until they had no more power to weep.


Judges 21:1
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